DCS585-4 shale shakers are the common used type of solid control equipment. Recent years, the DCS585-4 shale shakers are widely received by more and more users. The reason why it is widely used in all drill site is similar to the Mongoose series shale shakers.
Last month, DC Solid control got a sale order of 12 sets of DCS585-4 shale shakers. Now our workshop wear busy manufacturing it. The DCS585-4 shale shaker is the combines balanced- and progressive-elliptical motion, enabling operators to switch motion on the fly as drilling conditions change. With a simple flip of a switch, the shale shaker shifts from the balanced-elliptical to the progressive-elliptical motion without the need to suspend or shut down operations.
Operators can change the type of motion required to handle high volume or produce dryer cuttings as drilling conditions dictate. With the DCS585-4 shale shaker, NPT lost to changing out shakers to meet drilling conditions is no longer an issue.
If you have interest with it, please feel free to contact us.