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A new order of solid control equipment delivery to Saudi Arabia

Nov. 03, 2022

A new order of solid control equipment already packaged well and wait for delivery to Saudia Arabia. And the order inlcude 3 sets of mud cleaners, 3 sets mud hoppers and 16 sets of Mud guns. 

A new order of solid control equipment delivery to Saudi Arabia

The mud cleaner designed to make the settling process occur more quickly, hydrocyclones are simple mechanical devices with no moving parts. Hydrocyclones rely on pressure transforming into centrifugal force to speed up particle settling. 

A new order of solid control equipment delivery to Saudi Arabia

The process works in accordance with Stoke's Law, and essentially the device generates a settling pit under controlled conditions that lead to the rapid settling of solids. These easy-to-maintain devices can remove particles down to 25 microns, much smaller than the particles the finest mesh screens can handle.

A new order of solid control equipment delivery to Saudi Arabia

DC Solid control can design and produce all kinds of solid control equipment at discount price, such as shale shakers, desander, desilter. deacanter centrifuges, mud agitators, mud tanks, centrifugal pump, mud gas separators and ect. 

If you have requirements with oil and gas solid control equipment or technical consultation for complete mud circulation, welcome to send inquiry of 

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